George Orwell’s 1984 was meant to be a warning, not a user manual—but here we are. This mug is for those who can’t help but notice that reality is looking a little too much like a dystopian novel. Whether you’re sipping your morning brew while scrolling through newspeak-laden headlines or just need a reminder that truth is stranger than fiction, this mug has you covered.
Enjoy your drink while you still can. Grab one before it becomes a thoughtcrime.
• Ceramic
• 11 oz mug dimensions: 3.8″ (9.6 cm) in height, 3.2″ (8.2 cm) in diameter
• 15 oz mug dimensions: 4.7″ (11.9 cm) in height, 3.3″ (8.5 cm) in diameter
• 20 oz mug dimensions: 4.3″ (10.9 cm) in height, 3.7″ (9.3 cm) in diameter
• Lead and BPA-free material
• Dishwasher and microwave safe
Collections: Coffee Mugs, Everyone Hates Oligarchs, Government, New Arrivals, The Best Libertarian Shirts | The World's Favorite Libertarian Apparel, World Globobozo Forum
Type: Mug
Category: 1984, again, author, authoritarian, authoritarianism, big brother, coffee, dark humor, elite, fiction, funny, george orwell, globalism, government, libertarian, libertarian gift, libertarian humor, libertarian merchandise, literature, make orwell fiction again, Ministry of Truth, mug, orwell, political humor, resistance, satire, thoughtcrime, totalitarianism, type, tyranny