Your tours in Iraq and Afghanistan taught you that the enemy could be cunning and ruthless. But with you brothers in arms, any suck was endurable. Then came Great Meme War 1. You never knew it could get so dank. Up against a well-funded adversary you learned to be agile and smart, deploying wit with surgical precision. Your covert counter-psyops metal was tested time and time again, but in the end, you prevailed and freedom lived another day.
This six-panel trucker cap with a mesh back will be a comfy and classic choice for a perfect day either relaxing in the glory of victory, or training for the inevitability of the next meme conflict.
• Structured, mid-profile, six-panel cap
• 60% cotton, 40% polyester*
• Hard buckram front panels
• Mesh back
• Permacurv visor, matching under-visor
• Plastic adjustable closure
• 3.5" crown (8.9 cm)
• Head circumference - 21 5/8" to 23 5/8" (54.9 cm to 60 cm)
*The percentage can change a little from hat to hat