"Looks like you've had a bit too much to think!" says the Mustachioed THINKPOL officer as he walks up to Winston in a stern voice.
Winston must have must have forgotten to hide the disgust and loathing in his eyes, because the large man in black moved closer still, his eyes hiding behind mirrored aviator-styled sunglasses.
"You have something to say, sir?" His voice menacing now. "No sir! No." Winston chirps nervously, averting his eyes as much as possible. Very well, then. Let's move along." The officer's voice calms somewhat to a dulled, professional cadence. "Remember, closed minds stop thought crimes. Let's move along."
Illustration by Dan McCall. Inspired by George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty-Four.
This 17-ounce, double-walled stainless steel water bottle is perfect for your daily outings. It will keep your drink of choice hot or cold for hours. It also features an odor- and leak-proof cap. Throw it in your car's cup holder on your way to work, take it with you on hikes, or toss it in your bag for any time you get thirsty.
• High-grade stainless steel
• 17 oz (500 ml)
• Dimensions: 10.5″ × 2.85″ (27 × 7 cm)
• Vacuum flask
• Double-wall construction
• Bowling pin shape
• Glossy finish
• Odorless and leak-proof cap
• Insulated for hot and cold liquids (keeps the liquid hot or cold for 6 h)
• Patented ORCA coating for vibrant colors
• Hand-wash only
• Blank product sourced from China
Disclaimer: Keeping water in the bottle for over 24 hours is unhygienic and can result in an unpleasant smell.